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If 2023 PLA met Japanese Imperial Army in battle field what you think will happen?
PLA remember Nanjing Massacre, that is why Jap so worry and fumbling to look for West to come to help.
Once the war start, do you think PLA will spare Jap?
PLA actually like to see Jap join in the battle.
The major battle field is Tokyo and Kyoto instead of Taipei.
要打就打的痛快。Jap now is not even 1/5 of PLA fight what?
PLA now no worry of energy from Strait of Melaka anymore.
20 to 30 years of sanction is all worth it.
Ya quite DL heard a visiting prof from local U said no matter what US does, PRC keeps disobey international rule base.

So openly create blockages for a sovereign country to progress is legitimate? what kind of prof is this? Why wasting time to get this kind of biased view prof to teach our students?
the truth about mao CCP and the Japanese Imperial Army

On the contrary, during the Sino-Japanese War, Mao Zedong concentrated his efforts on conspiring with the Japanese army to weaken the KMT forces. He planted communist spies such as Pan Hannian in the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s local agency Maison Iwai and sold KMT military intelligence obtained from the National Government in Chongqing through the KMT-CPC Cooperation to the Japanese at a high price, creating an environment in which it was easy for the Japanese military to deal blows to the KMT forces.
FLG really have a different story to tell about Jap massacre.  

(05-02-2023, 04:58 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]the truth about mao CCP and the Japanese Imperial Army

On the contrary, during the Sino-Japanese War, Mao Zedong concentrated his efforts on conspiring with the Japanese army to weaken the KMT forces. He planted communist spies such as Pan Hannian in the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s local agency Maison Iwai and sold KMT military intelligence obtained from the National Government in Chongqing through the KMT-CPC Cooperation to the Japanese at a high price, creating an environment in which it was easy for the Japanese military to deal blows to the KMT forces.

Not so relevant bro.
(05-02-2023, 05:10 PM)gordongekko Wrote: [ -> ]Not so relevant bro.

calling spade a spade 
not about relevancy