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Full Version: Raising taxes a 'necessary evil' to cover future higher spending, Govt will
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News analysis: Raising taxes a 'necessary evil' to cover future higher spending, Govt will face delicate trade-offs, say experts

A Ministry of Finance paper on Wednesday said the Government may need to raise more revenue in the years ahead to keep up with higher spending on healthcare and infrastructure, for example.


The only tradeoff of utmost importance to them is whether rise in taxes means lost votes, enough lost votes to send off another GRC.
future higher spending or future higher OVERSPENDING?
Lost so many investments, surely $ have to come from somewhere.
PAP is OUT- of- control

They have not managed their own expenses or savings

but collecting FWs levy, GST, increasing surcharge, increase essential cost ie water . . . .

Only 61% Idiots will vote for PAP
It is NOT a necessary evil. It is actually an unnecessary evil as future spending can be lowered by not splurging recklessly as done currently. .... Big Grin
Sheer greed
F1 races iz winning or losing money venture? Cancel NDP and sack loss making Temasick investors for starters. Lidat can save many meelleeons instantly.
voter better vote them out. else they think they are the boss.
Salt and sugar tax coming?
(10-02-2023, 08:23 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Salt and sugar tax coming?

Don't give them a suggestion, cos that may be what they will do.  I think the ministers are overpaid, and the cabinet is too big.......... Big Grin
(10-02-2023, 01:27 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]News analysis: Raising taxes a 'necessary evil' to cover future higher spending, Govt will face delicate trade-offs, say experts

A Ministry of Finance paper on Wednesday said the Government may need to raise more revenue in the years ahead to keep up with higher spending on healthcare and infrastructure, for example.



The civil service anyhow waste a lot of money.
They need more $ to buy more GCB lah. Scamming dumbfark sinkees too easy.
Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry