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The now famous article from Seymour Hersh detailing the reasons, circumstances, planning, operation etc of bombing Nord Stream 1.

Some snippets from the article:


Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community about how to best achieve that goal. For much of that time, the issue was not whether to do the mission, but how to get it done with no overt clue as to who was responsible.

There was a vital bureaucratic reason for relying on the graduates of the center’s hardcore diving school in Panama City. The divers were Navy only, and not members of America’s Special Operations Command, whose covert operations must be reported to Congress and briefed in advance to the Senate and House leadership—the so-called Gang of Eight. The Biden Administration was doing everything possible to avoid leaks as the planning took place late in 2021 and into the first months of 2022.


From its earliest days, Nord Stream 1 was seen by Washington and its anti-Russian NATO partners as a threat to western dominance.


In December of 2021, two months before the first Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine, Jake Sullivan convened a meeting of a newly formed task force—men and women from the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and the State and Treasury Departments—and asked for recommendations about how to respond to Putin’s impending invasion.

It would be the first of a series of top-secret meetings, in a secure room on a top floor of the Old Executive Office Building, adjacent to the White House, that was also the home of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB).


Over the next few weeks, members of the CIA’s working group began to craft a plan for a covert operation that would use deep-sea divers to trigger an explosion along the pipeline.

Something like this had been done before. In 1971, the American intelligence community learned from still undisclosed sources that two important units of the Russian Navy were communicating via an undersea cable buried in the Sea of Okhotsk, on Russia’s Far East Coast. The cable linked a regional Navy command to the mainland headquarters at Vladivostok.

A hand-picked team of Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency operatives was assembled somewhere in the Washington area, under deep cover, and worked out a plan, using Navy divers, modified submarines and a deep-submarine rescue vehicle, that succeeded, after much trial and error, in locating the Russian cable. The divers planted a sophisticated listening device on the cable that successfully intercepted the Russian traffic and recorded it on a taping system.


That underwater success, codenamed Ivy Bells, was innovative and risky, and produced invaluable intelligence about the Russian Navy’s intentions and planning.

Still, the interagency group was initially skeptical of the CIA’s enthusiasm for a covert deep-sea attack. There were too many unanswered questions. The waters of the Baltic Sea were heavily patrolled by the Russian navy, and there were no oil rigs that could be used as cover for a diving operation.


Nevertheless, in early 2022, the CIA working group reported back to Sullivan’s interagency group: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.”

What came next was stunning. On February 7, less than three weeks before the seemingly inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden met in his White House office with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, after some wobbling, was now firmly on the American team. At the press briefing that followed, Biden defiantly said, “If Russia invades . . . there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”


Several of those involved in planning the pipeline mission were dismayed by what they viewed as indirect references to the attack.

“It was like putting an atomic bomb on the ground in Tokyo and telling the Japanese that we are going to detonate it,” the source said. “The plan was for the options to be executed post invasion and not advertised publicly. Biden simply didn’t get it or ignored it.”


According to the source, some of the senior officials of the CIA determined that blowing up the pipeline “no longer could be considered a covert option because the President just announced that we knew how to do it.”

The plan to blow up Nord Stream 1 and 2 was suddenly downgraded from a covert operation requiring that Congress be informed to one that was deemed as a highly classified intelligence operation with US military support. Under the law, the source explained, “There was no longer a legal requirement to report the operation to Congress. All they had to do now is just do it—but it still had to be secret. The Russians have superlative surveillance of the Baltic Sea.”

The Agency working group members had no direct contact with the White House, and were eager to find out if the President meant what he’d said—that is, if the mission was now a go. The source recalled, “Bill Burns comes back and says, ‘Do it.’”

Much better to read the full article in the link provided above. Good read.
Waleneh, the writer got all the details at his fingertips. He not scared kena made disappeared?
Biden got advanced news from his alphabet agencies CIA CNN ABC XYZ about this Seymour going to pichak his lobang 

So he crack his head how to solve this sensational problematic news

Then he look up to the sky and his old eyes say Shoot down those China balloons to make an even bigger Sensation about spy spy spy
Why until now i cant found this news reporting from our ST, CNA, Today, Mothership....?   Thinking
Thats the bueaty of the US system

you can say shit and still be alive unlike in Russia or China ,,, you dissapear
The operation (Part 1)

Norway was the perfect place to base the mission.


A newly refurbished American submarine base, which had been under construction for years, had become operational and more American submarines were now able to work closely with their Norwegian colleagues to monitor and spy on a major Russian nuclear redoubt 250 miles to the east, on the Kola Peninsula. America also has vastly expanded a Norwegian air base in the north and delivered to the Norwegian air force a fleet of Boeing-built P8 Poseidon patrol planes to bolster its long-range spying on all things Russia.

In return, the Norwegian government angered liberals and some moderates in its parliament last November by passing the Supplementary Defense Cooperation Agreement (SDCA). Under the new deal, the US legal system would have jurisdiction in certain “agreed areas” in the North over American soldiers accused of crimes off base, as well as over those Norwegian citizens accused or suspected of interfering with the work at the base.

Norway was one of the original signatories of the NATO Treaty in 1949, in the early days of the Cold War. Today, the supreme commander of NATO is Jens Stoltenberg, a committed anti-communist, who served as Norway’s prime minister for eight years before moving to his high NATO post, with American backing, in 2014. He was a hardliner on all things Putin and Russia who had cooperated with the American intelligence community since the Vietnam War. He has been trusted completely since. “He is the glove that fits the American hand,” the source said.

Back in Washington, planners knew they had to go to Norway. “They hated the Russians, and the Norwegian navy was full of superb sailors and divers who had generations of experience in highly profitable deep-sea oil and gas exploration,” the source said. They also could be trusted to keep the mission secret. (The Norwegians may have had other interests as well. The destruction of Nord Stream—if the Americans could pull it off—would allow Norway to sell vastly more of its own natural gas to Europe.)


One of the key questions was where exactly in the Baltic Sea was the best place to plant the explosives.


The Norwegian navy was quick to find the right spot, in the shallow waters of the Baltic sea a few miles off Denmark’s Bornholm Island. The pipelines ran more than a mile apart along a seafloor that was only 260 feet deep. That would be well within the range of the divers,


the waters off Bornholm had another advantage: there were no major tidal currents, which would have made the task of diving much more difficult.
[Image: 2-A3-D88-D8-C6-B7-4767-AE6-F-B31-DB2-D78831.jpg]
we reached the point where suddenly Russia attacks Germany
singlon watches RT channel 402 from Indonesia
if u see no such channel just punch in the no. 402
I have a life license to operate TVbox
how i no no i just pay heavily
The US can do whatever it wants and all the lapdogs such as Sweden, Norway and Germany simply support even if it affects their national interests….stupid Europeans.
(14-02-2023, 09:01 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The US can do whatever it wants and all the lapdogs such as Sweden, Norway and Germany simply support even if it affects their national interests….stupid Europeans.

The reason Europeans are so supportive to Uncle Sam is, they are grateful that the U.S.  liberated them from Nazi Germany, but they fell to realize the U.S. now dominates Europe and the U.S. national interests are above the interests of the EU.
This is a rare major incident even kelling hotdog not able to drag china in.
When you face an animal who has intention of eating you, what would you do? 
Stay away 
Run as fast as possible 
Whichever way, stay far. 
Germany, I can't believe, can get into this situation of being controlled by US. 
Brain components gone haywire.
(14-02-2023, 09:09 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The reason Europeans are so supportive to Uncle Sam is, they are grateful that the U.S.  liberated them from Nazi Germany, but they fell to realize the U.S. now dominates Europe and the U.S. national interests are above the interests of the EU.

Not really.

Most European leaders are held hostage by Assmerica because they can be toppled easily by Assmerica's dirty tactics!
Operation (Part 2)

At this point, the Navy’s obscure deep-diving group in Panama City once again came into play.


The Norwegians and Americans had a location and the operatives, but there was another concern: any unusual underwater activity in the waters off Bornholm might draw the attention of the Swedish or Danish navies, which could report it.


The Norwegians joined the Americans in insisting that some senior officials in Denmark and Sweden had to be briefed in general terms about possible diving activity in the area. In that way, someone higher up could intervene and keep a report out of the chain of command, thus insulating the pipeline operation. “What they were told and what they knew were purposely different,” the source told me. (The Norwegian embassy, asked to comment on this story, did not respond.)

The Norwegians were key to solving other hurdles. The Russian navy was known to possess surveillance technology capable of spotting, and triggering, underwater mines. The American explosive devices needed to be camouflaged in a way that would make them appear to the Russian system as part of the natural background—something that required adapting to the specific salinity of the water. The Norwegians had a fix.

The Norwegians also had a solution to the crucial question of when the operation should take place. Every June, for the past 21 years, the American Sixth Fleet, whose flagship is based in Gaeta, Italy, south of Rome, has sponsored a major NATO exercise in the Baltic Sea involving scores of allied ships throughout the region. The current exercise, held in June, would be known as Baltic Operations 22, or BALTOPS 22. The Norwegians proposed this would be the ideal cover to plant the mines.

The Americans provided one vital element: they convinced the Sixth Fleet planners to add a research and development exercise to the program. The exercise, as made public by the Navy, involved the Sixth Fleet in collaboration with the Navy’s “research and warfare centers.” The at-sea event would be held off the coast of Bornholm Island and involve NATO teams of divers planting mines, with competing teams using the latest underwater technology to find and destroy them.

It was both a useful exercise and ingenious cover. The Panama City boys would do their thing and the C4 explosives would be in place by the end of BALTOPS22, with a 48-hour timer attached. All of the Americans and Norwegians would be long gone by the first explosion.


Live: Headline Buster – Report links U.S. to Nord Stream explosion

It will soon be nearly half a year since German, Danish, and Swedish independent secret investigations on the Russian gas pipelines explosion led to no conclusions. One month ago, American Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist #SeymourHersh published his report which implicates the U.S. government and answers all the questions in full detail, but western mainstream media has been largely silent in covering this important update. Why? Has there been political pressure from the #US government to downplay or ignore the story? #HeadlineBuster

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French politician: Accusing Russia of sabotaging its own gas pipelines is absurd

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Seymour Hersh just EXPOSED the truth, Facebook labeled him 'false news' | Redacted w Clayton Morris

More Facts Uncovered In U.S. Bombing of Nord Stream
RT repor
Russian intercepts communikasi
between Brit and America
from Brit:

it is done
look like 3 corners
Great Britain ,EU, America
each has her own agenda

planner: Brit
logistics: Poland
Battleground: Ukraine

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