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Full Version: How to convert pdf file to word format that can be edited?
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Any expert knows?
Merge pdf Google search is free
Ilovepdf do search
(13-02-2023, 04:15 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Any expert knows?

iLovePDF | Online PDF tools for PDF lovers
The latest MS Word can open pdf files but the format might open up slightly differently.
There're are many pdf converter apps can be downloaded
google pdf to word convertor
Whether can be edited depends on the properties set in the original pdf
How to cook a word file to Pdf?
(13-02-2023, 04:15 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Any expert knows?

Pls attend skillfutures by PAP...heehe
Remember to use older version format for word or excel file.
(Best is 97/2003 format)
if you want to convert the files to pdf format.

Sometimes, you may have encountered unknown error later when converting to pdf file with the latest word or excel version format.
I just pay an ah boy a little money to do the conversion and realignment for me.
(14-02-2023, 09:35 AM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]I just pay an ah boy a little money to do the conversion and realignment for me.
Can's so much easier for those who are savvy. Certainly not easy for seniors. 

How much you paid?
I'm using this freeware...
[Image: Untitled.png]
(14-02-2023, 09:58 AM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]Can's so much easier for those who are savvy. Certainly not easy for seniors. 

How much you paid?

10 dollars
(14-02-2023, 09:35 AM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]I just pay an ah boy a little money to do the conversion and realignment for me.

How u manage to find the ah boy?
(14-02-2023, 10:19 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]How u manage to find the ah boy?

At macdonald
there are tons of free sw to convert.