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Full Version: Sibei racist brand of rice spotted!
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(13-02-2023, 06:53 PM)fuch_asia Wrote: [ -> ]

(13-02-2023, 06:53 PM)fuch_asia Wrote: [ -> ]

behind is branded in english

it read

bangla exterminator
Better dont buy and eat it hor.

It is neant for to buy and eat hor
LOL. "Mati" means "the soil" in Bangla but "dead" in Malay.
(13-02-2023, 07:14 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]LOL. "Mati" means "the soil" in Bangla but "dead" in Malay.
"Mati" means "6 feets under the soil" 

they dont cremate the body over there, dead or alive