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Full Version: Putin’s alleged mistress has $100M, ‘Pandora Papers’ reveal
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His secret girlfriend has lots of secret wealth.

ussian President Vladimir Putin’s longtime mistress has an estimated net worth of $100 million in “shadow wealth,” including swanky apartments and a yacht, despite her modest background, a trove of newly leaked documents reveal.

Svetlana Krivonogikh, 46, has been romantically linked with the Russian strongman since he was still deputy mayor of her hometown of St. Petersburg, and reportedly has a daughter with him.

But Krivonogikh — who grew up in a communal apartment — and other Putin cronies have been enriched through shell companies in the Virgin Islands and elsewhere, the Guardian reported.

In September 2003, an offshore company called Brockville Development Limited — through two other Panamanian companies — bought her a luxury fourth-floor apartment in Monte Carlo. She’s also acquired a flat in St. Petersburg and other valuable assets, according to the reporting.

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one can cherry pick one already factored in the low risks.
Anyone expect different for a dictator whose critics keep getting killed....or poisoned.

The Russian people deserves better
Ah Put’s mistress is Alanis?

anyway 100m is spare change for Ah Put
Wonder any info on our white greedy thieves?
(06-10-2021, 10:43 AM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Wonder any info on our white greedy thieves?

Our MIW always claim that they don't do corruption and that they are transparent.  The MIW claim that if they are highly paid, then they will not be tempted to do bribes or corruption..
The more assets they have the better for world peace example if Biden has 1 billion bucks property next to Kremlin the better, and if Xi has 1 billion of immovable assets in Taipei better, and such and such and such as?
(06-10-2021, 10:47 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Our MIW always claim that they don't do corruption and that they are transparent.  The MIW claim that if they are highly paid, then they will not be tempted to do bribes or corruption..
Actually more like legalised corruption. Pay themselves highly and I think their salary are tax free.
(06-10-2021, 07:48 AM)pervertosan Wrote: [ -> ]Ah Put’s mistress is Alanis?

anyway 100m is spare change for Ah Put

LOL @ ah put