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Full Version: Toshiba warns on profit after Q3 slump; COO resigns over expenses
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Game over for Toyota…
They are in big trouble.
Toshiba and sharp's appliances are the cheapest now, not sure can buy if close shop?
Ever since Koreans and Chinese enter the appliance space, those Japanese companies that never transform from run of the mill appliance business are just stuck.

Sony at least have Play Statuon and some of the Hollywood studios they bought in the 1980s that became gold mines after a trouble period

Toshiba, Panasonic etc are just in old business ...making washing machines, toasters, kettle....
For appliances, only left with mitsubishi and panasonic
(15-02-2023, 08:50 AM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]people not stupid got easy money will just under cut and make some.
 is protectionism is the way?  Smile