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Full Version: Man’s death from heart inflammation ‘likely related to’ Covid-19 vaccine jab
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Now then they dare to admit when the game is largely over.
We men in street were correct.
(18-02-2023, 10:19 AM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

Sibeh jialat liao lah!  Omg
Divine intervention? When nearly all the mRNA countries have such cases, ours don’t have must be out of proportion.
I think long after Covid, and the whole world has moved on to another CCP-created virus, the state propaganda machine will still be pumping out anti-western-mRNA like no tomorrow.

I think this is what AngTehKor means by…… hardworking.  I_do_not_know
(18-02-2023, 01:09 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Divine intervention? When nearly all the mRNA countries have such cases, ours don’t have must be out of proportion.
Precisely. First report of vaccine death for heart inflammation comes from where? Only this? Maybe more that gone unreported.
so slow
we r faster
we knew many many moons ago once damaged stay damaged no regeneration
how we know
ya how?
(18-02-2023, 10:19 AM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

The death is termed as medical misadventure, and family will get $225,000 as one time payment, as Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme................. Big Grin
becos we r interested
u can check
the inlet pressure of the heart is higher than the outlet.
June / july 2021 till now then get reuslts?
$225k for FT

Underlying for Sinkie



Double standard from our hum Kar Chan Cheng Fu.
3rd world foreigner trash=vaccine fault.
Local born Singaporean=underlying conditions.
(18-02-2023, 05:24 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]Double standard from our hum Kar Chan Cheng Fu.
3rd world foreigner trash=vaccine fault.
Local born Singaporean=underlying conditions.
Angry Angry Angry
He died of underlying condition 1 day after jab
statistically acceptable.