SG Talk

Full Version: People are developing diabetes after COVID-19.
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The coronavirus could be harming vital cells in the pancreas and leaving people with

Like that good for PAP gov, can promote vaccination and fight diabetes at the same time, save campaign money.
It will not be specifically targeting just pancreas cells. Very likely the whole body. By the way, Singapore has adjusted the criteria for fasting blood glucose level to be 7 or above to be diabetes. This is wrong, it should be 6 or above.
HSA no comments? Or say no growing evidence in local cases... Will KIV on development n need more data?
(07-10-2021, 11:55 AM)Galilo_l Wrote: [ -> ]HSA no comments? Or say no growing evidence in local cases... Will KIV on development n need more data?

They do not need to comment on this because it is not their fault.