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Full Version: Time to create sex ambassador job since we face low birth rate
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Time to create this job . During covid period we can create safe distance ambassador. But now Singapore facing low birthrate issues shouldn't we create this job ,too. 

[Image: IMG-20230226-072052.jpg]
there r many many kinds of ambassadors
those high ends one we encounter them thr. the yrs
singlion can recognise them on Tv.
They look tired like overnight Utiao
don't believe their own shits.
not easy on the spirit
now people r poisoned
they parade the olddies in the pink of health
Should have single status cafe
(26-02-2023, 07:25 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Time to create this job . During covid period we can create safe distance ambassador. But now Singapore facing low birthrate issues shouldn't we create this job ,too. 

[Image: IMG-20230226-072052.jpg]

Many places kept their VDM gantry This time can used it on single.
(26-02-2023, 07:25 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Time to create this job . During covid period we can create safe distance ambassador. But now Singapore facing low birthrate issues shouldn't we create this job ,too.

current govt cannot solve this problem for more than 20 years.
PAP prefers to import cheaper foreigners to solve the population problem.

many western countries have reversed their birth trend and solved the problem.
need a new govt to solve this problem.
u volunteer
or 5354
I can volunteer my sperm!  Laughing
heng ar

i open a niche market

it is call The Handmaid Store
They can solve this but allowing man to have more than 1 wife. Competition is good.
(26-02-2023, 12:21 PM)toothpick Wrote: [ -> ]They can solve this but allowing man to have more than 1 wife. Competition is good.

For Single mom as choice, society not ready.
No need ambassador lah. First all the companies must be pro family. Only those with family and children will be considered for promotion. Those who are single should just remain at low level position until they can get married and have children. Nowadays, company promote those singles to high position then they tekan those with family. Like that how to have more children?
(26-02-2023, 01:00 PM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]No need ambassador lah. First all the companies must be pro family. Only those with family and children will be considered for promotion. Those who are single should just remain at low level position until they can get married and have children. Nowadays, company promote those singles to high position then they tekan those with family. Like that how to have more children?

You may have a solution to this problem.............promote those with children............. Big Grin
(26-02-2023, 01:05 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]You may have a solution to this problem.............promote those with children............. Big Grin

Those who are single no need so much money. Promote them to high position earning high pay for fark? Waste of resources.
How do you want to raise the birth rate when raising a child in SG is such a high-stress, high-cost thing?

Raising a child is the surest way to kill off any hopes of FIRE. FIRE is the overriding life goals of millennials and Gen Zers now.
(26-02-2023, 01:08 PM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Those who are single no need so much money. Promote them to high position earning high pay for fark? Waste of resources.

They that are single and in high positions tends to buy Condos or GCB(Good Class Bungalow) .............and drive a new car........... Big Grin
.unlimited New citizen .why worry.