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Full Version: Agent tries to sell private residential land in S'pore that you can’t build house on
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Is it freehold land?
(28-02-2023, 03:35 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]Is it freehold land?

999yrs. It's a remnant land so no one can build any house on it, except the immediate neighbour, either expand or rebuild it into a detached, or use as garden/farm.
(28-02-2023, 03:52 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]999yrs. It's a remnant land so no one can build any house on it, except the immediate neighbour, either expand or rebuild it into a detached, or use as garden/farm.

The neighbours must have already low ball the owners many times. Once bought over, new owner will be low balled.
Checked the plot on google earth. It's small because its depth is about only half relative to the rest of the houses there. Not sure why.
[Image: Screenshot-20230228-171205-Maps.jpg]

Yes, only half in depth, not really useful. If 200k maybe can consider