SG Talk

Full Version: 【国会】我国将制定数码发展蓝图 并成立专家咨询团
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通讯及新闻部长兼内政部第二部长杨莉明星期二(28日)在国会拨款委员会辩论通讯及新闻部开支预算时宣布,制定数码互联互通发展蓝图,并成立数码基础设施咨询团(Advisory Panel on Digital Infrastructure)进行相关规划工作。
lets wait and see another waste money project like the dustbin center at parliament house.
We are only exhibition hall lah…. Rotfl
Sg lacks of Engineers.
Without Engineers, talk big also no use.

30% of the total world engineers come from China.