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Full Version: Moscow mulls possible use of nuclear arms to fend off US attack
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Russia should test out its nuclear capabilities in Ukraine
gd let the world be reset
all suffer together be they be rich n powerful or poor n has nothing to lose

the rich n powerful hv been having a v v gd time for too long.
(03-03-2023, 11:55 AM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]gd let the world be reset
all suffer together be they be rich n powerful or poor n has nothing to lose

the rich n powerful hv been having a v v gd time for too long.
Thumbs_up Thumbs_up Thumbs_up
(03-03-2023, 11:22 AM)klat Wrote: [ -> ]Russia should test out its nuclear capabilities in Ukraine

If Moscow were to use nuclear bomb in Ukraine, then the US will also use nuclear bomb on Moscow................. Big Grin