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Full Version: NATO admitted that the Alliance has been at war with Russia in Ukraine since 2014
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Western media and governments have given the impression that the current war in Ukraine began with a Russian "Special Military Operation" at the beginning of last year as an alleged step towards the restoration of the Soviet Empire. 

But then last week, the conservative treehouse shockingly reported and showed that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg openly admits that NATO has been at war with Russia since 2014. What?

As for who is really telling the truth, history will reveal that. In the meantime, we must seek out and at least consider these alternative source views because of the enormous danger this war poses to the world and considering what we have learned over the last few years of COVID about government and US intelligence agency actions to fully bias all online data to support government policies.

Peace must be the goal we all seek. Not a military victory. The alternative to nuclear conflict between the great powers is too unimaginable to accept. And, at this point, it seems we're very close to actually making it happen.

Let us hope and pray for the rapid growth of a strong peace movement that will convince especially Western leaders to make negotiations their highest priority to finally end this war before it is too late. Compromises will be necessary and must be accepted. There was already too much death and destruction.

美资深调查记者赫什:美方破坏致北约分歧 将有国家退出北约


