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Full Version: Knn I am koffing and sneezing non-stop
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Knn I am koffing and sneezing non-stop but I got cover my mouth.
(09-03-2023, 03:38 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]Knn I am koffing and sneezing non-stop but I got cover my mouth.

It is best if you would wear a face mask, so that you will not infect others..................... Big Grin
Haarp dueling has consequence
there a time for the cells to detox
normally like now weather cold
or a trigger like hot and cold
throat also affected
singlion throat also when waking up from odd hrs of the night
singlion uses baking soda just half teaspoon.
notice motion black
something is there most likely concerning poisoning.


Although I am positive for a 2nd time since 1 march 2023 I still go out Gai Gai everyday.
(09-03-2023, 05:18 PM)LupCheong Wrote: [ -> ]Although I am positive for a 2nd time since 1 march 2023 I still go out Gai Gai everyday.

So as to infect others.....................? Big Grin
This Friday CH 8 8:30pm got interview some Covi19 patient , they talk about " long term side effect "

like cannot sleep well etc.


(09-03-2023, 05:20 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]So as to infect others.....................? Big Grin

Because boring when locked in house too long