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Full Version: Low-income family appealing for donation of floor tiles to fix kitchen floor
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Low-income family appealing for donation of floor tiles to fix kitchen floor after theirs 'pop up' after theirs 'pop up'
many contractors had left over tiles and sure can help.
Any PAP minister can fork out a few thousand dollars from their salaries to replace all the tiles with new design, no need find.
(10-03-2023, 09:02 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]Any PAP minister can fork out a few thousand dollars from their salaries to replace all the tiles with new design, no need find.

Yup lor
(10-03-2023, 07:44 AM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Low-income family appealing for donation of floor tiles to fix kitchen floor after theirs 'pop up' after theirs 'pop up'

(10-03-2023, 07:52 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]many contractors had left over tiles and sure can help.

problem is not the tiles................but the labour...................quality and cost of it..........
(10-03-2023, 09:28 AM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote: [ -> ]problem is not the tiles................but the labour...................quality and cost of it..........

DIY can? Rotfl
Actually replacing tile is not difficult.
Need hammer and tile cutting tools.
Just leave it as it is.
call HDB why cannot?

oh wait.....those HDB officer....zzzzzz
yet still got the cheek take wages and bonus which from The Public.