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Full Version: Earning More Money Actually Does Make People Happier
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Agree else why Spore MIW demand to be paid millions if monies don't make them happy?
(11-03-2023, 06:48 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Agree else why Spore MIW demand to be paid millions if monies don't make them happy?

Actually the Money site indirectly mean boss Smile the enjoyment to earn money. Is preferring the " journey earning more and more "
(11-03-2023, 06:31 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Smile

You never heard this before?
金钱买不到快乐? Rotfl
greedy people make more money
(11-03-2023, 07:56 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]greedy people make more money

How about greedy ppl make more s*x too
It's a sense of self- worth and Dignity

That is why PAP must over-issue EP

to make FTs happy, mah
(11-03-2023, 07:57 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]How about greedy ppl make more s*x too

once you indulge  in SINS
you can never go back

it has nothing to  do with religion