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Full Version: Temasick donated 100k sinopharm to Riau in Sept
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Meanwhile local Sinpwnean must book and pay for own pte jabs. No jab no entry anywhere.

For those who say Temasek is giving free Sinopharm jabs, ony 2k slots and dunno where to sign up.

Tanks Ho Jinx. tanks.
Ho Jinx should be billionaire oredy but money can't buy health. Pinky looks frailer by the day. Pl do more good deeds insteads of just posting irrelevant stats dat dun show the real pic. Life is short, dun make it harder dan it iz oredy.

I suspect Temasick is hemorrhagging heavily datz why must endemic fast. Use unjabbed as scapegoat for Covid mess.
FTrs free vax. Sinkees got to pay
It's a sick move... one can c the demand for non mrna when the stocks came in n on TV most interviewees r seniors... they believe in traditional but were denied by limiting these vaccines in imports... 
On the other hand by donating these it's such a hypocrisy...
(11-10-2021, 02:41 PM)Galilo_l Wrote: [ -> ]It's a sick move... one can c the demand for non mrna when the stocks came in n on TV most interviewees r seniors... they believe in traditional but were denied by limiting these vaccines in imports... 
On the other hand by donating these it's such a hypocrisy...

Oso using Riau pple as guinea pigs, aside from good PR.
Charity begins at home kah...sick people messing with oir lives
Here. It is difficult to get Sinopharm as booster.
(11-10-2021, 03:12 PM)Yin yang Wrote: [ -> ]Charity begins at home kah...sick people messing with oir lives

(11-10-2021, 03:15 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Here. It is difficult to get Sinopharm as booster.

It is important to allow 'charity to begin at home', and not going around donating the vaccines while sinkees have to pay private clinics for Sinovac, or Sinopharm vaccines.....
sad to know, make citizens pay, while giving free to other country
(11-10-2021, 03:12 PM)Yin yang Wrote: [ -> ]Charity begins at home kah...sick people messing with oir lives

You absolutely right to say that.
Before helping other, you got to make sure you have taken good care of  your own ppl at home first.
Otherwise, this is 伪善, 不是发出内心去做的。
(11-10-2021, 03:43 PM)mikotan Wrote: [ -> ]sad to know, make citizens pay, while giving free to other country

It is like the Chinese saying 'our fingers bend outwards' rather than bend inwards... crying
These are bought via covax and earmarked for developing countries. If SG uses these ourselves, we will be condemned by everybody.
Tiongkok ony dying for Sinpwn to use their vaccine. Early early oredy send over millions of vials especially for us. Not say temasick shouldn't do charity, how they so heartless when it comes to their own pple who have to pay for non mrna jabs.