now free
later compulsory and must pay
like tray returns
Finally, a pedestal for my circulation fan, no need buy table.
"When a Bloobox is full, the recyclables inside it can either be placed in a blue recycling bin or a recycling chute. E-waste items should be placed in e-waste bins."
so no box then people wont recycle????????
(17-03-2023, 04:58 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]waste money only
i collected today.
cant even get it to fold out straight...
anyone knows the trick?
Aiyoh! Look so filmsy
Might as well use a big red plastic bag
at least can carry and bring down to the carpark to dispose the contents
Want to give free, yet have to go collect it? FORGET IT.
(17-03-2023, 04:18 PM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]Finally, a pedestal for my circulation fan, no need buy table.
yes............i intend to use it as a container at home...........
(19-03-2023, 05:17 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote: [ -> ]yes............i intend to use it as a container at home...........
Same here
(19-03-2023, 03:54 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]i collected today.
cant even get it to fold out straight...
anyone knows the trick?
There is partition board that white color which insert in the middle thus make the box straight ba
I never collect don’t bother
the partition doesnt help
or at least it didnt help the box i have
Just collected not bad quite tough plastic
Placed some heavy items to straighten up
Another trashy thanks
Another kokkup idea... why so many?
Usually replacement around 9pm
Lasts till 4pm
just throw everything down the chute, let TC worry.
(22-03-2023, 09:59 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]White ministers will think everyone "trusted" the gov but little did they know that actually sinkies just want to grab free stuff, can use dun waste...
bu na bai bu na.
Free but money comes from tax payers and other taxes right ?
(17-03-2023, 05:00 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]and THATS YOUR MONEY AKA TAXES
When was last time u pay tax? looser ah pek no job leech elder parent
Very strong box, must be expensive to make, anyway save me $$$ to buy a mini rack. Thank you PAP!
wow really saving the earth.
even print these flyers and put into mailboxes