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Full Version: Forum: Patients use social media to threaten healthcare workers
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Forum: Patients use social media to threaten healthcare workers
as these r happening...
At the upper theatre level,
West is sending Kiev depleted Uranium ammo.
Crime against Humanity
Russia will response....RT
Can understand the stress and pressure of the patients when they are in pain and needed urgent attention. When they met healthcare workers that cannot bring them relief; they lose their temper. Quite sure these are daily events happening. Are our Healthcare Managements paying much attention to arresting these kinds of problems?
the most recent case involved a mediacook actress ?
(22-03-2023, 07:36 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]the most recent case involved a mediacook actress ?

Family dispute also. One can threaten the other, not only using social media, but also in ParLeement