SG Talk

Full Version: NS Police man used pin hole camera to film - this is what he looks like..
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(12-10-2021, 05:27 PM)BigBossX Wrote: [ -> ]Decent looking guy.....

An officer commit   this crime......?
Because it is pin size then only 22 weeks but if big camera then the punishment will be bigger correct?
keep importing tom dick harry into sg . 
other country no want and we take. but 
all rotten. sg is a dumping ground.
(12-10-2021, 06:25 PM)NoActionTalkOnly Wrote: [ -> ]Because it is pin size then only 22 weeks but if big camera then the punishment will be bigger correct?

Gim could have been jailed for up to two years and fined or caned for each count of voyeurism.

As a policeman, damage to sg reputation is more, 
 should fine and jail together.