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Full Version: Understand why the debt crisis is not over....
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How does a lender sarbo a borrower?
Lend him at a low special rate. Then after the borrower happily borrow to the hilt, raise the interest rate to sky high quickly. 

This is what the Fed did. With debt levels at highest every in history the Fed shoot the rates up from 0 to highest in 25yrs.

Today Deutsch e plunged 
[Image: ckephCI.jpg]
Later US regional banks open for trading many will plunge ..
Better sell now at a loss than sell for 0 when the collapse.

30% drop in 2 weeks....
[Image: wrsZ53I.jpg]

Banking crisis is a worldwide phenomena -top professor

Need huge reset or else how to bullish back
If you let bank bonds collapse to zero who will dare to buy bank bonds. If no one buy bank bonds how is the bank going to raise cash. 

Today bond holders sudden start dumping European Bank bonds to save themselves....nobody is buying.

The European regulators to save $13B has started a financial domino that now threaten the entire European banking system.

Sometimes you only understand the trouble you are in after you do something stupid

[Image: y6be5YL.jpg]