SG Talk

Full Version: EP applicants for jobs in shortage to get bonus points under new system
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Shortage Occupation List
1 Alternative protein food application scientist
2 Novel food biotechnologist

Financial Services
3 Financial/investment adviser (ultra-high/high net worth, family office & philanthropy)

Green Economy
4 Carbon project/program manager
5 Carbon standards and methodology analyst
6 Carbon trader
7 Carbon verification and audit specialist

8 Clinical psychologist
9 Diagnostic radiographer
10 Occupational therapist
11 Physiotherapist
12 Registered nurse Infocomm

13 AI scientist/engineer
14 Applications/systems programmer
15 Cloud specialist
16 Cyber risk specialist
17 Cybersecurity architect
18 Cybersecurity operations specialist
19 Data scientist
20 Digital forensics specialist
21 Penetration testing specialist
22 Product manager (digital)
23 Software and applications manager (technical lead/supervisor)
24 Software developer
25 Web and mobile applications developer

26 Marine superintendent
27 Marine technical superintendent
Then, Mr Suay and Shoot Blank Queen better remove the 100 CECA Professions

we do not need for the period 2010 to 2022

Can make mistakes but they are never responsible

what kind of Ministers are they?
(31-03-2023, 06:55 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]

It is a known fact that the applicants for job programmes have always exceeded the vacancies available.
why PAP cannot come up job programmes to train people to resolve the shortage ?

why PAP must depend on EPs to resolve the shortage ?
Some of these jobs don't have to be physically located in sg. Carbon trader role can be performed from Mumbai or Manila. Don't bring such a person here to waste space and generate carbon.
Singapore MOM is using this as an excuse to open Floodgates for many FTs to falsely declare as nurses and IT Managers to get our EP.