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Full Version: The fall of Bakhmut: Is this the end of the road for Ukraine?
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My own thinking is Bakhmut is like a symbol of Ukraine strongest resistance so far. Once it fall, it hurt the morale of the army. Hence Zelensky keep sending in troops to prevent it from being fallen. Logically such strong resistance should be witnessed in capital like Kyiv instead.

I saw video some Ukrainian whole units are surrendering. It seem revolt is starting to grow within the Ukrainian units. Will we see a revolt against Zelensky in capital and he being pulled down from his Presidential seat?
What Trump said is correct. It is about the whole of Ukraine now.
He ask Xi go Ukraine to give more Chinese weapons ?... or peace talk ....
(04-04-2023, 05:36 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]

when ukaraine lost their boss will abandon them cause no more useful. chew and no taste pui out.
their country must condemn their illegally installed leader. the leaglly elected one was overthrow by wwestern secrete service. now after the war so many ukraine people die, injured and damaged. their bosses just run road
so many previous example the last being afghanistan.
taiwan old woman no know die still want to work for their western boss. when she cause a war to start then taiwan people must condemn her and the people working for their own power dream.
the same history will happen. their boss will encourage fight. send weapon, money. taiwan will pay with their life.
then the final outcome is lost the war. the western boss will jsut run off again. leaving tawan to suffer the effect of war. taiwan best position is to negotiate for a long long one country 2 system. wait if western style of democracy is better over time china ccp will collapse to it. why cause a war for your own power hunger?
(06-04-2023, 04:12 PM)sclim Wrote: [ -> ]when ukaraine lost their boss will abandon them cause no more useful. chew and no taste pui out.
their country must condemn their illegally installed leader. the leaglly elected one was overthrow by wwestern secrete service.  now after the war so many ukraine people die, injured and damaged. their bosses just run road
so many previous example the last being afghanistan.
taiwan old woman no know die still want to work for their western boss. when she cause a war to start then taiwan people must condemn her and the people working for their own power dream.
the same history will happen. their boss will encourage fight. send weapon, money. taiwan will pay with their life.
then the final outcome is lost the war. the western boss will jsut run off again. leaving tawan to suffer the effect of war.  taiwan best position is to negotiate for  a long long one country 2 system. wait if western style of democracy is better over time china ccp will collapse to it. why cause  a war for your own power hunger?

That is why I say US is cunning. Borrow ppl lives to whack your enemy. Die is other ppl blood you just supply weapons ask them fight your enemy. Your own ppl safe shake leg see show.
(06-04-2023, 11:53 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]

Following their talks in China this week, Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron released a joint statement in which they opposed the use of nuclear weapons and expressed support for efforts to restore peace in Ukraine on the basis of international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.
(08-04-2023, 04:49 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]Following their talks in China this week, Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron released a joint statement in which they opposed the use of nuclear weapons and expressed support for efforts to restore peace in Ukraine on the basis of international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

With the help of Pre. Xi jp, will there be peace between Russia and Ukraine...............? Big Grin
(08-04-2023, 06:06 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]With the help of Pre. Xi jp, will there be peace between Russia and Ukraine...............? Big Grin

Very hard lah. US already opposed peace liao. They keep sending more weapons to Ukraine. To let peace have a chance is to remove the pesky US from behind small actions and instigations. Best is another 911 whack their homeland gao lat gao lat.
(08-04-2023, 06:08 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]Very hard lah. US already opposed peace liao. They keep sending more weapons to Ukraine. To let peace have a chance is to remove the pesky US from behind small actions and instigations. Best is another 911 whack their homeland gao lat gao lat.

I wonder if US were to stop sending weapons and ammo, to Ukraine, will UK and EU also stop sending weapons and ammo to Ukraine...........? Big Grin