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Full Version: trial-starts-in-breach-of-director-s-duties-suit-against-goh-jin-hian-o-
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"As at 2019, Dr Goh was on record as having held directorships in 68 companies."

Still loses to another ex mp who held several hundreds directorships

For nobody commoners, better dun anyhow accept business partnership and directorship
(05-04-2023, 12:38 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]"As at 2019, Dr Goh was on record as having held directorships in 68 companies."

Still loses to another ex mp who held several hundreds directorships

For nobody commoners, better dun anyhow accept business partnership and directorship
Angry Angry Angry
imagine getting S$2k (should be more than S$20K) from each directorship.

iirc the former PAP MP hold a record of 63 directorship and wondering how he managed to attends the AGM/EGM.
When you are son of somebody and a doctor, you just cruise as a board director and enjoy your millions lah...

Just too bad we were not born into such privileged life lah.
he is son of former PM lao Goh right ?
Pappies think is it ok
>In opening statements, lawyers for IPP’s liquidators, who are seeking to recover that sum, accused Dr Goh of “sleepwalking through his time as a director”
lend a name, get money, fair deal.
Director Duties and Responsibilities

1. Keeping accounting records
Section 114 of the Companies Act 2014 requires every company to maintain accounting records that explain its financial position. It also requires the directors to keep these records secure and easily accessible for inspection. You can meet this requirement by setting up an accounting and filing system. The system can feature accounting personnel, technology and banking institutions. Ensure the system records every business transaction to avoid any future discrepancies.

2. Maintaining annual accounts
It's the company director's responsibility to submit the company's financial statements to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) according to Section 116 of the Companies Act 2014. The directors present these statements to shareholders yearly at the AGM. The directors are responsible for ensuring that they present these statements within 18 months of incorporation and ensuring the maximum period between two AGMs is 15 months.

Directors in publicly listed companies are responsible for ensuring they update the statements up to four months before the AGM date. Those in other companies update them up to six months before the meeting. They also ensure the financial documents are up to date before presenting them.

3. Holding meetings
The Companies Act requires directors to ensure the company holds at least three meetings. These meetings include:

Statutory meeting: A statutory meeting is the first meeting the directors and shareholders of a public limited company have after forming the company. According to section 174 of the Companies Act, directors are responsible for holding the meeting within three months of incorporation.
Annual general meeting: Company directors have a duty to hold annual general meetings within 15 months. They have about 18 months from the incorporation date to hold the first AGM.
Extraordinary general meeting: An extraordinary general meeting is a meeting the directors organise within 21 days upon special request to discuss a particular matter. According to Section 92 of the Companies Act 2014, members with at least 10% of the share capital or voting rights can request and attend the meeting.
No gave face to woody?
Quote:The book also details for the first time how Mr Goh felt humiliated when, a week after the rally, then-PM Lee made more public criticisms of him, saying that he was "wooden" when speaking in public or on television.
Still, Mr Goh says: "It was not personal. He was not out to humiliate me for personal reasons, even though I felt humiliated."
He adds: "I never doubted that he wanted me to succeed. If anything, he was exasperated with my lack of public communicative skills."

Then his son must be KAYU!
(05-04-2023, 04:03 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Director Duties and Responsibilities

1. Keeping accounting records
Section 114 of the Companies Act 2014 requires every company to maintain accounting records that explain its financial position. It also requires the directors to keep these records secure and easily accessible for inspection. You can meet this requirement by setting up an accounting and filing system. The system can feature accounting personnel, technology and banking institutions. Ensure the system records every business transaction to avoid any future discrepancies.

2. Maintaining annual accounts
It's the company director's responsibility to submit the company's financial statements to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) according to Section 116 of the Companies Act 2014. The directors present these statements to shareholders yearly at the AGM. The directors are responsible for ensuring that they present these statements within 18 months of incorporation and ensuring the maximum period between two AGMs is 15 months.

Directors in publicly listed companies are responsible for ensuring they update the statements up to four months before the AGM date. Those in other companies update them up to six months before the meeting. They also ensure the financial documents are up to date before presenting them.

3. Holding meetings
The Companies Act requires directors to ensure the company holds at least three meetings. These meetings include:

Statutory meeting: A statutory meeting is the first meeting the directors and shareholders of a public limited company have after forming the company. According to section 174 of the Companies Act, directors are responsible for holding the meeting within three months of incorporation.
Annual general meeting: Company directors have a duty to hold annual general meetings within 15 months. They have about 18 months from the incorporation date to hold the first AGM.
Extraordinary general meeting: An extraordinary general meeting is a meeting the directors organise within 21 days upon special request to discuss a particular matter. According to Section 92 of the Companies Act 2014, members with at least 10% of the share capital or voting rights can request and attend the meeting.

Need to differentiate and define between EXECUTIVE and NON-EXECUTIVE Directors.
karma time  thats all
they never imagin even in dreams one dy this  event would happen to the goh family
2 kenna more will follow
now how much peanuts costs ?
(05-04-2023, 12:29 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]

Quote:But Mr Thio disputed: “While the suspension was relevant to IPP’s business, it would not cause a director to look backwards into IPP’s financials. A director’s actions would be forward-looking (to ensure) that IPP could continue its bunker business with minimal disruption.”

Looking into an account status of a comapny in trouble is looking backwards?
What kind of logic is that?
(05-04-2023, 05:08 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]No gave face to woody?
Not when woody went public to say he never gotten such low mandate during his time... Lol

That period I thought ah Goh was going to rebel against the master that fed him so well... Lol
(05-04-2023, 07:39 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Looking into an account status of a comapny in trouble is looking backwards?
What kind of logic is that?

lawyer logic.
Was he the chairman or chairperson for audit comm under board? If he had asked about the numbers and the mgt in co fend off then he had technically discharged his duties. If he had otherwise believed that the figures are sound, and given anyone else in this biz would have concluded the same way, then he is also not very liable, imo.

Only when he is in the know or he instructed the mgt to cook the books then he is guilty.
This man seems to be SM Goh’s son. Learn to take high wages but shoddy work without checking the transactions?
Thought " so call close door settle " ??
(06-04-2023, 02:13 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]This man seems to be SM Goh’s son. Learn to take high wages but shoddy work without checking the transactions?

based on record, he also connected to PM's wife HC brother in a few companies.
Greedy. Doctors earn little $$$ compared to directorship in hundreds of companies. Because he is somebody's son everyone will get him onboard. He thought just sign here sign there end of the month collects $$$$$$$. So cannot dont know this dont know that all lower rang staff do this do that. Like that who don't want to be director. Like that all don't want to be doctors.
directorship is a lucrative business.
(06-04-2023, 02:22 PM)A2Z Wrote: [ -> ]Greedy. Doctors earn little $$$ compared to directorship in hundreds of companies. Because he is somebody's son everyone will get him onboard. He thought just sign here sign there end of the month collects $$$$$$$. So cannot dont know this dont know that all lower rang staff do this do that. Like that who don't want to be director. Like that all don't want to be doctors.

only 1 word GREED
There should be a law to limit the number of directorships.
(06-04-2023, 02:26 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote: [ -> ]directorship is a lucrative business.

This should be stopped by law.
now he has to cough back all fees

paying for legal fees and fine