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Full Version: Scary those " black and white " landed house
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after watching the drama on CH 8 , imaging you stay inside the house at night.
[Image: Screenshot-20230405-135348-Maps.jpg]

How about these? Saw many of them, unoccupied but well maintained and look ok
(05-04-2023, 01:56 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Screenshot-20230405-135348-Maps.jpg]

How about these? Saw many of them, unoccupied but well maintained and look ok

same same, I know some landed house owner demolish whole house rebuild but " still u never know " partly the land there.
(05-04-2023, 01:56 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Screenshot-20230405-135348-Maps.jpg]

How about these? Saw many of them, unoccupied but well maintained and look ok

This kind not scary. Those at woodleigh are scary at night. I heard many dogs have reactions in there.
(05-04-2023, 01:59 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]This kind not scary. Those at woodleigh are scary at night. I heard many dogs have reactions in there.

Dynamite Kor Kor got any photo to show?
(05-04-2023, 02:00 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Dynamite Kor Kor got any photo to show?

Last time I post before. I dare not go there at night anymore