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Full Version: Fire leaves 25 dead, dozens injured in southern Taiwan
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33 minutes ago


The 13-story building caught fire around 3 a.m. Thursday


Li said the death toll could surpass 40
Latest update 46 death and 41 injured. And the fire has brought to control and they are searching for more casualties….
They must have better building control. 
Some very uneven structures. 
DPP are rubbish, non stop disaster happened since Japanese Tsai became president of Taiwan
Apparently the apartment which caught fire was brought up to Kaohsiung Mayor early this year, citing concerns with fire safety and crimes issues.

But the current DPP Mayor did not put them as priority to address. This was just been reported by the local news.

The Mayor and his administrations had apologies with a bow to the families of the deceased and injured this evening in a press conference.