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Full Version: US bargains with China: Buy US treasury bonds vs US ditch Taiwan
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银行暴雷 美联储扛不住了! 美副国务卿访华求中国救命,只要再买3000亿美债,立马撤军弃台!

Cannot trust these assmericunt. After buying still go to war with China
The American’s administration can never be trusted, especially when they have elections every 4 years and different parties.

So when either parties takes office, they will deny the agreement from the previous side of the camps. With China taking up the bonds would only benefits either side of parties. And the politicians from either parties will end up having more in their pockets.
Read 东郭先生和狼的故事!  Laughing
How can anyone trust a administration that will change it's stance every 4-8 years?

And even criminals can become president? Where lying is called free speech, and war & death is called democracy?
Let's see ahtiongs would kena conned again or not
After selling more treasury bond to China, they have more money to build new and more advanced military weapon to attack China. Isn't this called LPPL.
Another is incremental buy only when USA has completed taking action on certain conditions.
Just a grind on both parties and delay further confrontations.

But this Biden is the worst and most gangster admin i have seen. One way to hell for America.