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He knows lah, you think Macron is that blur sotong meh?

He's not LHL ok, he knows which side his bread is buttered on
7 Apr, 2023 09:53
HomeWorld News

While Macron was still having tea and lisening to music with Xi in China
protesters set his favorite Paris restaurant on fire

It’s not the first time that the French president’s opponents tried to torch La Rotonde
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Demonstrators protesting against Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform have set fire to the French president’s favorite Paris restaurant, La Rotonde.

Some 300 rioters clashed with police outside the posh eatery on the iconic Boulevard du Montparnasse in Paris on Thursday, local media reported, citing authorities.

Stones, bottles and flares were tossed at the security forces, eventually leading to the branded red awnings on the front of La Rotonde catching fire. Firefighters, who were swift to arrive on the scene, did not allow the flames to spread further and extinguished the blaze, according to the media.

Macron chose La Rotonde to celebrate his victory in the presidential election in 2017. He has also visited the expensive restaurant on many other occasions, occasionally dining there with foreign leaders. The French president previously told reporters that he developed a fondness for the place during his student years.