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Full Version: VIDEO: How US Media Shapes Our Understanding of China: A Critical Look
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I don't need US media to shape my understanding of China, when last time I already see so many Tiong 土豪 and PRC exchange students in the local school I studied in.
Actually the MSM in US had become more friendly toward CCP since Clinton era and have been very critical of Trump anti-CCP diplomatic policies up to the very last minute of his presidency, their attitude only start to change and do a 180 turn after Biden won the PE, so kind of amusing if they really can shape the world perspective over CCP china within just such a short time in an era where MSM ish already on a decline and losing influences to social media network like tiktok, tweet, wechat, FB, youtube etc. And most major social media network worldwide, regardless western or eastern, also tend to be CCP friendly over the years due to RMB.

MSM in US shaping the understanding of CCP's China, if any, ish actually wrongly paint CCP regime as a harmless and peaceful cute panda to the world for many years until winnie finally show CCP's true color.
They lie all the time.
It's called free speech.
Violence, war and deadly protest is called democracy.