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If it is true, this country is in trouble.
This Sina report confirmed that the table is not from an official site. However, it has checked the figures for Suzhou and said the table is quite the same as the official figures. It gave an alternate table as shown below

[Image: Screenshot-2023-04-11-111402.jpg]

The good thing the report said was that there was a pick up recently in the industrial activity. Just how far this will go?
Think it is quite impossible to go back to the good old days, especially with the private debts tt have been building up over the years
Consumptions going up but investment coming down since 2010.. it has changed esp after Xi came into the picture in 2013
Thought just last years nia those little pink and wu mao are celebrating and cheering the exiting of foreign capitalist pigs from their strong nation, claiming their own local CCP run industry and businesses will nao rise to bring their motherland to new greater height and prosperity? Sad