SG Talk

Full Version: SgBuffett, Is it stupid to let Brazil President to visit Beijing?
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Brazil President is in the queue to visit after French President Macron visiting.  

You said "It is extremely unwise to associate closely with countries like Argentina, Venezuela etc that has no fiscal discipline and economies have collapsed."  

Brazil is another like you said about Argentina and Venezuela, right?   

Like Macron of France, President of Brazil is bringing a large contingent of business leaders to China. Some even already paid their own fares to position themselves in Beijing.  

Unlike you, they are all stupid and China is stupid to welcome them.  

陆曝习近平迎卢拉特殊安排 波音又要哭了巴西报复拜登? 新闻大白话@tvbstalk 20230412

This is what SgFett said:   

[Image: SgFett02.png]
Sgbutt has No foresight. Everyday talk rubbish.
Btw, Brazil is the 9th largest economy of the world, now maybe 7th oreadi

Mexico is the important country to watch

It will cause WW3
His visit is to expand BRICs lah. Rotfl
Become 金砖多国!
His disciple is the new bank chief.
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