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Full Version: Michael Fay is back!
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[Image: B10-DC179-09-AC-413-F-820-A-4853-EA0-F408-E.jpg]

Not Amos but he used to live in Spore
Give you some clue, he is an American and his first name is Michael
Michael Fay?
(13-04-2023, 02:59 PM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]Michael Fay?


[Image: E71-FF48-D-EE27-4-AC6-B9-FB-CCE3-D6-DDA529.jpg]

[Image: 027-B8-CB0-89-DC-4-B1-C-BA3-E-ADDFFE07-F9-EC.jpg]

[Image: CAF6-DAA1-85-B6-4-AD7-BCC8-971-BC8593011.jpg]
He’s only 47 but looks like an old man already