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How to Create an App Without Programming Skills?

To make an app on Android, it is enough to assemble it like a constructor with the help of the Kodular service.

To do this you need:

1️⃣ Go to the link and login via Gmail/Github/Twitter or register

2️⃣ Accept the agreement and create a new project

If you do not know English, no worries, you can change the language to Russian. Just click on the top right icon "Account" and "Preferences". Then change the "English" to "Russian".
There are many easy to use graphical app builders for young children, more popular ones are the MIT/lego appinventor 2 and thunkable.
ChatGPT can do it for you. Free.
chatgpt can create simple apps but need to go through a serious of q&a, and follow the instructions given. This article describes how that can be done: