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Full Version: Seoul's new stance on Ukraine war expected to affect inter-Korean relations
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Experts said this will likely have a ripple effect on the diplomatic dynamics in Northeast Asia, especially inter-Korean relations.

He continued by saying that he believes there will be no limitations to support the illegally invaded country, but he will "take the most appropriate measures" considering South Korea's relations with the parties engaged in the war.

The comments were interpreted as a shift in South Korea's stance regarding its support for Ukraine. Despite calls from the United States and other Western countries, Seoul's official stance was limiting its Kyiv-bound support concerning humanitarian aid, though there were reports indicating that the country indirectly supported ammunitions by making up for a U.S. inventory shortage of 155-millimeter artillery shells.

During the interview, Yoon also noted that South Korea is developing "ultra-high-performance, high-power weapons" to fend off the North's threats.

Although Yoon did not explain what those weapons are, pundits assume that he was referring to a blackout bomb, which neutralizes power grids and cuts the enemy's electric power supply, or electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Also mentioned are the Hyunmoo-5 ballistic missile and hypersonic missiles. South Korea's military is set to test-launch the Hyunmoo-5, which is capable of carrying a heavy warhead weighing up to nine tons.