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AMTK mah!  Rotfl
Talents! Brillant! Simply extrodinary! FTs can do no wrong.
(22-04-2023, 10:05 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]AMTK mah!  Rotfl

DK and DL is their privilege so they want to tell the world including locals unless you flash your DK and DL compete with them see who bigger and longer?
Nice one. Some fugging ang mohs still have the colonial mindset and needs to be put in their place
To me pwning AMDLs means bedding them.
White traxhes now cheat and beg for free meals
many Frog lovers here posted very pro-frog threads recently…why never come defend ur beloved frogs?
(22-04-2023, 01:58 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]White traxhes now cheat and beg for free meals

This is sophisticated begging almost artistically done... And maintained that posy air like some duke and duchess... The restaurant manager should have offered to void the entire bill and ask her if she would like another bottle of wine for her royal Highness's forgiveness. Lol
Sad poor Ang Mo...Singaporean so rude