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Full Version: Korea’s Caste System Hierarchy
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South Asians also regard fair-skin as more "honorary" than darker ones..

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXFmNbqSfcgjb1RhCJ7lb...U&usqp=CAU]

For Koreans, the divide is more about have and have nots as highlighted by the movie "Parasite"
[Image: 81iQLZujrlL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg]
TS should have shared his source for better context...For those who love K-pop and its movies...that's is not showing the truth about S Koreans society today.

A popular explanation for favoritism toward white people is that Korea has absorbed ideas about racial hierarchy from the US military forces stationed in the country, and that as a developed country Korean looks down upon those from economically weaker countries.....“Racism in Korea is a normal feature of society and is embedded within systems and institutions,” Kim said.
I like that K drama last time show on CH 8 9PM

Showing these elites, got one Lawyer dad keep forcing his son study dam hard
tell him look at the pyramid, You must be on the TOP.
So in the eyes of Koreans we are 2nd or 3rd class citizens.
However Angmohs have been left out, which could be way above Koreans due to the skin colour
Should be the charboal right or someword along this line