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Full Version: Real Time price data shows US inflation now below4%
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Fed data is estimated to be off by 2 months as ig is collected manually and time lag.

Right now the US inflation is 3.86% 

[Image: b8BpCQY.jpg]
we have passed consideration to monitor inflation or rates
when Banks fail they go over to fedpay
meaning new networks and ledgers under the Federal reserve
meaning they have lost their Freedom
so the situation is like we r operating with many networks many time zones
for ex in singapore we have mama money changers with their networks and ledgers
likewise we tok paylah paynow paylater without understanding that we r going into the Lion's mouth
(24-04-2023, 06:46 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Fed data is estimated to be off by 2 months as ig is collected manually and time lag.

Right now the US inflation is 3.86% 

[Image: b8BpCQY.jpg]

The data pumped from yr karchng is it ?
when we successful and we will be ,and You r under our thump
we will shaft a metal pc into your karching
Are you sure? So fast meh?
fake one lah.
[Image: Screenshot-20230424-205405-Chrome.jpg]

Truflation is just another way of measuring inflation, just like cm/inch for length.

If used for other countries, the numbers could be horribly high