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Full Version: Covid-19 strategy not a 'flip-flop', helps prevent massive deaths: Ong Ye Kung
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(19-10-2021, 09:21 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]He should be chastise for doing this, and he needs to focus on his portfolio.. nudie
I concur with your scolding of OYK........... Big Grin
(19-10-2021, 08:25 AM) Wrote: [ -> ]Is not working
It brought back memories of sars, one minister didn't manage well, in the end khaw boon wan was brought in to put sars under control

History repeats itself?
(18-10-2021, 11:52 AM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]
During Muhyiddin short reign, his ministers were saying the same thing when under attack.
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