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Full Version: Water conservation fee will raise or not?
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What next after Service and conservancy raises?

Car park fee?
Water conservation fees?
(30-04-2023, 06:20 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]What next after Service and conservancy raises?

Car park fee?
Water conservation fees?
Simi kutau fee also raise.
[Image: Screenshot-20200709-112201-2.jpg]

Everything up!
We are in a drought remember
When all transport run on electric, electric conservative tax will be implemented .😅
(30-04-2023, 06:20 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]What next after Service and conservancy raises?

Car park fee?
Water conservation fees?

I have a feeling all three will go up...................... crying
The amount of these taxes and fees are amazingly catching up or doubling the price of crude oil per barrel. No other country have citizens surrounded with barrels of crude oils per month ...
Alcohol tax going raises.
Is LKY raising from his coffin soon, as he said he would? 😝
Ministers pay going up?
we already at rock bottom with saiChiu
such a sweet spot in a world where people face drinking poisonous water
we r now at their mercy
just a small push and we get 'fedPay'-ed
uknow new networks and new ledgers
freedom lockout victims of NWO
better to buy those device that can extract water from air. and install water recycel machine to clean those not so dirty water before releasing it away. electricity cheap compared to water tariff.