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Full Version: Largest stock market crash since 1929 coming: economist
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Many analysts said sell in May and go away ....the fengshui chart also said that but it said come back in Aug instead...
The market is now controlled by politics and ideology, no longer free market.

Which means it can only go one direction - UP.
All gyrating at record high levels and never a record lower low than all lows
When all these analysts economists gurus shout crash crash crash ..... means no crash
If they praise everywhere growth growth growth ..... means crash coming
(02-05-2023, 05:37 AM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]Many analysts said sell in May and go away ....the fengshui chart also said that but it said come back in Aug instead...

True ...sell in may is a good strategy just see what happened last year
only another crash caused by derivatives will do the trick.............
Crash is confirmed by professional traders who are now shorting the market to make big money.