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Full Version: BTO flats remain affordable, prices have risen in tandem with incomes: DPM Wong
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BTO flats remain affordable, prices have risen in tandem with incomes: DPM Wong

Get income to 0 and bto price will fall???
Really Gone case. Rotfl
This is why workers are likened to mice on a treadmill. The treadmill is set just fast enough to make it seem you are surviving but not fast enough to kill you.
Tandem with whose income? The Govt or the Foreigners?
Wuhahahaha wuhahahaha
I want to laugh
(02-05-2023, 06:16 PM)Underprivileged Wrote: [ -> ]KNN a 4-room flat typically costs $605K, how are Sinkies ever going to have sufficient funds to retire?
Eat Grass... Sick
vote wisely. even sg is going down hill i also no care . as long our gov is ousted. we need a reset.
(04-05-2023, 10:31 AM)jus4lucky Wrote: [ -> ]vote wisely. even sg is going down hill i also no care . as long our gov is ousted. we need a reset.

We got to