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Full Version: VIDEO: 'They work,': Cannabis addict openly supports Singapore’s ‘barbaric’ drug laws
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May 2, 2023 | 2:27pm Singapore time

A marijuana junkie who claimed he grew up in Singapore is all in favor of its tough drug laws that involve sentencing drug traffickers to death.

TikTok user Tom Birchy, a self-proclaimed “cannabis addict” who now lives in Thailand, said in a clip that he thinks the strict drug laws are effective.

“I just want to come out here and say this from my point of view, Singapore’s policy on drugs works. Singapore’s stance is tough, it’s supposed to be barbaric.”

“So this is me saying as a cannabis addict, I agree with Singapore’s laws on drugs, they work,” he added.


Birchy said he smokes about 3.5 to 7 “units of measurement” of cannabis daily in Thailand where it is legal.

But when he came over to Singapore to meet some old friends recently, he said that was the first time in about a year that he didn’t smoke any.


While he thinks that the laws shouldn’t classify marijuana with the more hardcore drugs like heroin, he says the laws “work” in scaring and deterring users from using in Singapore.
I think Spore is quite humane as in all drug traffickers get a court trial etc. Try that in Philipines where to save everyone time just let them eat bullets by the masked men who hail from where ppl may know. Problem with this strategy is what if it is really an innocent man caught in the crossfire also eat bullets?
Our Govn. Is on the right path.
Our country, our laws. 
Drugs destroy  human beings, families and on a larger scale, the society.
Those Angmos with bad intentions are the barbaric ones.
these Ang Mo is truthful

yes barbaric

if you are a first world drug addict.
please stay away from no drugs barbaric third world

just like the Sentinelese are an uncontacted tribe living on North Sentinal Island
nobody goes there
nobody goes there
it is as SIMPLE as that