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Full Version: 2accidents in 4 days at junction of Hougang Ave 4 and Buangkok Green
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2 accidents in 4 days at junction of Hougang Ave 4 and Buangkok Green
The idiotic LTA better wake up..they should make all foreign car license holders retake their practical driving test here just like our local drivers before approving them instead of just passing only the theory test...PUI !
(02-05-2023, 08:18 PM)*天哥* Wrote: [ -> ]The idiotic LTA better wake up..they should make all foreign car license holders retake their practical driving test here just like our local drivers before approving them instead of just passing only the theory test...PUI !

I have been driving for over 30 years here..and I can tell u, the drivers in the 90s were totally different from the scumbags jiuhu drivers with SG plates here i see on the road now. How I know ? Guess my step bro is from where....yes, jiuhu
(02-05-2023, 08:21 PM)*天哥* Wrote: [ -> ]I have been driving for over 30 years here..and I can tell u, the drivers in the 90s were totally different from the scumbags jiuhu drivers with SG plates here i see on the road now. How I know ? Guess my step bro is from where....yes, jiuhu

They buy SG plates cars here and drive with the idiotic approval of their jiuhu license... how they drive i am totally aware..i can spot them on the road the way they snake and overtake..u thought they r Singaporean because of the SG, u are wrong..they r jiuhu kias
Knn come here and corrupt our nice SG courtesy culture painstakenly built up by LKY and GCT....
actually its totally unfair to sinkiis as bolehland rules n laws governing driving licence, condition of cars and insurance are worlds apart.
its your luck shld u meet with an accident with them
LTA forgot to draw curve markings on the floor

Those idiots turning should NEVER drive in a straight line, lah