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There are hundreds of thousands of different Antibodies, each targeting a different Antigen

Let this sink in first bef i post more

Now i'm out having my morning bask in the Sun to fortify my Vit D2, the one and only natural defence against any dumbass virus and bacterium
Yup, like Superman, he needs sunlight to power up...
[Image: 6731252-6720371-5886130-nuke%2B2.gif]
the 'script' want us to stay away from the beaches(sun)
sgbutt fell for this deciet by hiding at home, away from the sun
(19-10-2021, 11:11 AM)singaporean1964 Wrote: [ -> ]the 'script' want us to stay away from the beaches(sun)
sgbutt fell for this deciet by hiding at home, away from the sun

Ok, now the heard it first here, courtesy of social media PHD holder, the one and only Sentinel, the Guardian of the Truths..

Short one, hope it sinks in..

Why I'm so scornful of mRNA?
Ans: Because we hv been lied to. It does not work, besides creating deaths and adverse side effects (long and short term), it does jackshit for the various variants coming out from the original SARS-COV-2, for example Delta, Delta plus, Gamma, etc

How come?
Ans: As mRNA specifically target the simulation of the virus Spike Protein (you know, those antennal sticking out of the ball) to trigger the body's natural immune system to create antibody to wrap around the virus to de-activate it, once the virus mutated its Spike Protein, there is no way the immune system will recognize it as a virus. Hence the afficacy of mRNA goes to zero or near zero

But reports say mRNA afficacy reduces to 39% to 40% what? Not so bad right?
Ans: You hv been lied to. The afficacy is not due to the mRNA but due to your body's natural immune system taking over the job, because any antibody created due to the B-cell and T-cell memory will simply create more antibodies to target the original virus, not the Delta variant (a different antigen in the mind of the helper T-cell memory). Hence, the afficacy of mRNA vaccine actually is zero to near zero. You have been lied to

So, how come they say booster shot helps to increase the antibody?
Ans: Yes, booster shot of the same mRNA vaccine will boost the antibody but so what? The antibodies boosted are specifically tailored to fight the original SARS-COV-2 virus, but it has mutated, so you could hv a million times more antibodies with numerous boosters, but it does jackshit, as the virus has already mutated into another form of Antigen. You hv been lied to

Does In-activated Virus as a booster helps?
Ans: You say leh? What do you think? In-activated virus, it is the whole real virus simulated, so the antibody triggered has memory of the full structure of the virus, so mutating the Spike Protein will unlikely throw the B-cell and T-cell off-guard.

But they say from tests carried out, the antibodies wane after a few days, a few months, etc depending on individuals, so how?
Ans: It is ok to notice that the antibodies wane, it is supposed to behave that way. For example, dont tell me when there is no war, the country still have all its soldiers on full alert, on war-mode meh? Of course the body, inorder to conserve energy, will stand-down its forces, so you hv again been lied to!

So, it is ok to let it be, just taking the 2 shots should be good enough regardless?
Ans: You want to know the cold hard truth? Well, your natural immune system creates antibodies that at once can target 20 different antigens, it is a different kind of antibodies that are not narrowband like the mRNA induced antibody.. But since most already vaxxed, no turning back, but you need to understand that the mRNA shots you took does jackshit to prevent you from been infected with Covid Delta, etc and that when you survive and recover at home like the "experts" say, it is most likely because of your body's natural immune system taking over the job that the mRNA vaccine failed (just like the incompetent PAP, equally epic fail!).

There, you have it, the full and unadulterated truth. You heard it here first, from the one and only Sentinel, the social media PHD vaccine guru, the Guardian of the Truths

So how?
Ans: You still dare to ask me how? Are you fed on shit all your freaking life?? Don't be like MOH, useless, spineless, leaderless ok?

Take care, Be safe. Stop being a sheeple, blur like sotong!
(19-10-2021, 10:47 AM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]There are hundreds of thousands of different Antibodies, each targeting a different Antigen

Let this sink in first bef i post more

Now i'm out having my morning bask in the Sun to fortify my Vit D2, the one and only natural defence against any dumbass virus and bacterium

Fully agree on the part of out in the sun, enjoy fresh air and exercise to build natural immunity.
Every Sinkie should bookmark this thread and re-visit 1 month later to prove me right

I've never been wrong most of the times

My knowledge is anointed, therefore so IAM
Any research or study of what you have written?
Agreed on most points.
(19-10-2021, 11:06 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote: [ -> ]Yup, like Superman, he needs sunlight to power up...
[Image: 6731252-6720371-5886130-nuke%2B2.gif]

We are no Superman, just a mere man. Big Grin
(19-10-2021, 11:33 PM)Kgliangp Wrote: [ -> ]Any research or study of what you have written?

All based on his imagination lah. Sentinel's PHD= Permanent Head Damage.  Rotfl
For all you blurblocks dumbassess that still think that mRNA vaccine still has afficacy against Delta variant, Delta Plus, Gamma, etc whatever, that have mutated from the original Wild version SARS-COV-2

Are all antibodies in your body are completely identical?
Ans: Not all antibodies are created equal. Each antibody molecule is essentially identical to the antigen receptor of the B cell that produced it.

Are all antibodies unique?
Ans: While there are only five main types of antibodies, each antibody can have a different binding site that matches a specific antigen. In fact, your body can produce an infinite number of binding sites to bind to antigens.

What are natural antibodies?
Ans: Natural antibodies (NAb) are defined as germline encoded immunoglobulins found in individuals without (known) prior antigenic experience. NAb bind exogenous (e.g., bacterial) and self-components and have been found in every vertebrate species tested. NAb likely act as a first-line immune defense against infections

Are mRNA Vaccine induced antibody similar to Inactivated Vaccine induced antibody?
Ans: Hell no! As mentioned, there are hundreds of thousands of different antibodies and all antibodies created are specific to the antigen it was created to fight, hence when Covid Spike Protein mutated, the antibody created by the mRNA vaccine is only targeted for the Spike Protein of the original Wild version and hence is ineffective against any new variants mutated from it as the antibody created by the mRNA vaccine is extremely narrowband due to just replicating the r n a of the Spike Protein of the virus and nothing else from the virus.

Hence, it will be no wonder that its afficacy should be zero to near zero

Why are the news not telling us that when they quote the word antibody, they are not telling us the whole truth? That there are many different types of antibodies and each can only target the specific antigen it was created to fight against?
Ans: Obviously, or else how to justify for the vaccine campaign and the promotion of more booster shots to increase the antibody levels in your body?

Why is this mRNA booster shots practically useless against Delta variant and other evolving variants?
Ans: You can keep pumping your body with booster of the same mRNA vaccine, but it will only induce the creation of the same antibody in more quantities that will finally die off in 6 months or less. These antibody created does jackshit and in fact, occupy space and prevent the body's natural immune system's induced antibodies from reaching the mutated virus that is attacking your body. Don't you look sillier by the day when the truth should in fact set you free instead

You have been continued lied to and yet dumbassess like you just continue to swallow hook, line and sinker what have been shafted down your throat, frankly, you blurblocks actually deserved for be culled by Darwin thoroughly, as the brand new world really has no place for abject morons like you to be allowed to breed anymore
(19-10-2021, 11:33 PM)Kgliangp Wrote: [ -> ]Any research or study of what you have written?

vaccine is a depopulation agenda
women will be unable to reproduce
(19-10-2021, 12:22 PM)ArielCasper Wrote: [ -> ]Fully agree on the part of out in the sun, enjoy fresh air and exercise to build natural immunity.

This I agree whole-heartly ...... Clapping
Morning Sun is good not afternoon Sun hor.
Afternoon Sun will make you sweat alot and kena skin rashes on the next say if you did not clean up after cool down immediately.