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Jake Sullivan's plan to defeat China
Haha, good try .  

Keep it up  


【盧秀芳辣晚報】"重磅!" 秦剛提"這5點""首條""信息量巨大" @CtiNews 精華版

野猫论政 547:王毅会见沙利文,中美维也纳峰会的战略意义?


[Image: Screenshot-20230512-193024-Chrome.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20230512-192857-Chrome.jpg]

Look alike?


[Image: VGJ9Iby6FC_Roa2oTEZd85pkQlnxf_nbLAS1L24B...s640-nd-v1]

天天硬事3542期——01 美国沙利文称中国认为两国关系“不绑安全带”可能更安全,美国已经露出了中美谈判美国的底牌而中国要更多 02 美国加拉格尔称拜登对中国太软弱,民主党称是时候对话了


Best way to defeat China is to have Xi JP lead China and omplement his policies. ...he will undo everything Deng started and take China backwards
(20-12-2023, 06:23 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Best way to defeat China is to have Xi JP lead China and omplement his policies. ...he will undo everything Deng started and take China backwards

You are wonderful, amazingly wonderful!  Rotfl
They will fail miserably .