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Full Version: Wagner chief: Ukraine’s counteroffensive has started; Kyiv: Needs more time and arms
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Fighting in the besieged town of Bakhmut has returned to the fore of discussions over the war, with Ukraine saying it’s reclaiming territory there. Russia’s mercenary fighters engaged in intense battles there appear increasingly angry at a perceived lack of support from Russia’s defense ministry.

The head of Ukraine’s ground forces said Wednesday that Russian troops have retreated to a distance of up to two kilometers (1.2 miles) on parts of the front in Bakhmut as a result of counteroffensives.
Chief like got problem
deputy has already received arms
RT mentioned deputy founder
Earlier Wagner boss was warning no ammo they will retreat and soon enough he is promised by the Russian counterpart. During this period Chechen boss say if Wagner troops retreat they will go in to fill the void. So it seem Russia has a lot of alternatives.

But I saw a few video Wagner troops rather commit suicide then be taken prisoners. It give me a thinking Ukraine most likely hate Wagner troops a lot and possibly torture them if captured. Hence Wagner boss also warn in video they will take no Ukraine troop POW.

It take a lot of courage to pull the trigger and commit suicide but Wagner troops prove me wrong already saw 2-3 videos of them committing suicide those are incredible!