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Full Version: dude paralyzed after receiving 2nd Moderna vaccine dose has VIFAP reappeal REJECTED
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Dear brother n sister, today is Tuesday and I finally get inform by my doctor they will get my wife come and let her know few important item on how to take care me once I'm been discharge might be this few days. By right it's a very happy ocation as I'm been in hospital going half year but 3 day ago receive the MOH email that my reappeal for the VIFAP have been rejected again using same method like first time rejection that is my brain issue, well I know the outcome will be like this but I don't understand why the rejection is still the same, for me I'm totally feeling by cheated by the government promise as they never fulfill their promise for take care ppl like me which is vaccine injuries or vaccine infection group. I also know as at today government totally not acknowledge that in Singapore there is any vaccine injuries or infection cases but if so I wonder why they have paid around 800k for the vifap, than under what purpose?

After I descharge I will learn again how to used the social media and I will post my timeline regarding what is happening to me, my medical details, my medical report even report from USA, government rejection and the nonsunce reason n my living picture, I will update it once I learn back how to used social media and please be inform that my only purpose is to let more brother and sister know vaccine do have side effect and you are lucky if you not got any infection but as gov report 0.006% ppl got infected or injuries due to vaccine actually is a lot people and don't forget those past away person which moh only state there are having medical issue, but there never agree or acknowledge the injuries issue.

A lot more at (scroll down to read)
Obviously our Bananas in govt are forcing their citizens to took US mRNA vaccines just only for please Biden, now i suspect isnt MOH are really seriously evaluating all Chinese vaccines from the very beginning?
(21-10-2021, 09:38 AM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ]Obviously our Bananas in govt are forcing their citizens to took US mRNA vaccines just only for please Biden, now i suspect isnt MOH are really seriously evaluating all Chinese vaccines from the very beginning?

AMTK mah!  Rotfl
of course la
if vifap so easily claimed
toh teu liao!
if they give one easily must give all later understand!