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Case: Fainting 15x a day. 31 yo.

In Mar 2021, I received a strange case of fainting 15x a day for no reason. Since Apr 2020 she was on medication: midrodrine (antihypotentive), florinef (corticosteroid), lexapro (antidepressant), duspatalin (to treat IBS), Vocinti (for GERD). Though her blood pressure was maintained at above 100, she still could not solve her fainting issues for the past one yr. Doc gave very high dose of sodium but her body couldn’t absorb well. Doctors classified her case as rare.

She worked in the hospital hence was very knowledgeable. She came to @bodyinc with very realistic expectations, hoping that perhaps holistic wellness therapy could help detox and rebalance her nutrients. She was very patient and reasonable.

Her case was very close to my heart. 20 yrs ago I had similar fainting (5 times a day) for 2 yrs. My blood test result was normal. ENT specialist, neurologist, brain specialist could not pin-point the cause. It was an internal medicine doctor who suspected autoimmune – chronic fatigue syndrome. But he had no cure for it. I read up desperately on autoimmune, tried detox myself, change lifestyle & diet, cured myself in 2 yrs. So I could feel her pain & agony, not knowing why you faint n there is nothing you can do abt it.

By Apr 2021, she texted us, “Overall I am feeling better. I can feel my energy back. Fainting & dizziness drastically reduced which I am very happy. 80% improvement. My doctor is pleased with the improvement of my condition. My gastric & digestion is better.”

On 6 Oct 2021, she texted us on the supplements she shld continue. She is doing very well, never faint for very long. Making very good recovery. She cld even reduce her medication dosage, no need to take lexapro and duspatalin anymore. No more fainting before, during & after menses. Sodium normalised. Blood sugar normal. Bp now on normal days around 108-110. On days she is unwell BP drops to slightly below 100. Able to have more food variety now.

She still needs to continue nourishment & build up her body system. But I m glad her fainting is gone. All praises to God. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Food is medicine.

Case CS01002-5
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