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Full Version: After Russia hypersonic missiles have destroyed the US Patriot III defense missiles…
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[Image: IMG-1439.png]
(19-05-2023, 09:29 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]

Pentagon Confirmed!
But Grotesq said Patriot destroyed Russia hypersonic missiles.

Calling Patriot Ultra hypersonic missiles Big Grin He is tok cok king now
(19-05-2023, 09:30 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]But Grotesq said Patriot destroyed Russia hypersonic missiles.

Calling Patriot Ultra hypersonic missiles Big Grin He is tok cok king now

Pentagon Confirmed!
(19-05-2023, 09:32 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]

Pentagon Confirmed!

[Image: IMG-1442.gif]
Many countries will have to cancel their order for the patriot missile. Earlier, US was very happy to receive many orders for their military weapons.
(19-05-2023, 09:44 PM)Clyde Wrote: [ -> ]Many countries will have to cancel their order for the patriot missile.  Earlier,  US was very happy to receive many orders for their military weapons.

That is why the U.S. said Patriot successfully shot down Russia’s hypersonic missiles.
(19-05-2023, 09:30 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]Pentagon Confirmed!

【Cti Talk|黃征輝】"飛彈殘骸"成關鍵證據打臉美烏!愛國者攔下匕首是造假?黃征輝解密最複雜戰鬥系統"相列雷達"! 20230518 @WorldDefenceTalk
(19-05-2023, 09:30 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]But Grotesq said Patriot destroyed Russia hypersonic missiles.

Calling Patriot Ultra hypersonic missiles Big Grin He is tok cok king now

He cannot explain in technical term or logical manner.
His only hope is to convince through dumbing. 

There are videos showing AD fire continuous which is not normal as missiles raid
is not continuous.
Ukraine said they shot down 6 Kinzhal missiles, and Russia said they didn't fire so many missiles and hinted at 2.

In this war with NATO, Russia has to use all its might. Economy-wise, Russia is smaller. 

NATO will not allow Russia to win this war. This will affect the economies of the US and Europe. Similarly, countries in the Global South, Middle East and Asia will not like to see Russia lose the war. Ukraine will be divided.
(19-05-2023, 11:24 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]He cannot explain in technical term or logical manner.
His only hope is to convince through dumbing. 

There are videos showing AD fire continuous which is not normal as missiles raid
is not continuous.

Pentagon Confirmed! liao!

(19-05-2023, 11:24 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]He cannot explain in technical term or logical manner.
His only hope is to convince through dumbing. 

There are videos showing AD fire continuous which is not normal as missiles raid
is not continuous.

The success rate of Patriot defence system is only 10% in Ukraine war but the MSM talk like 90%. Rotfl
[Image: IMG-1459.png]
[Image: IMG-1460.png]

[Image: IMG-1461.png]

[Image: IMG-1462.png]
Patriot: The PAC-3 Missile is a hit-to-kill interceptor, meaning it does not rely on explosive warheads but instead intercepts its target through direct physical impact. Speed Mach 3 to Mach 5. The PAC-3 variant has an operational range of approximately 35 kilometers (22 miles).

The Kinzhal missile is reported to have a range of approximately 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) and is designed to fly at hypersonic speeds, reaching Mach 10 or above.

It is intended to be a highly manoeuvrable and evasive missile, capable of performing complex flight profiles to evade missile defences.
(19-05-2023, 11:38 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]Pentagon Confirmed! liao!


Math is taught is to teach you not to be cheated by unscientific calls.

I repeat again, target path must be known and units must be triple
to have decent chance.
Fake news lah. Now russian hypersonic missile scientists face treason charges.
(20-05-2023, 12:00 AM)KPO Wrote: [ -> ]Fake news lah. Now russian hypersonic missile scientists face treason charges.

NBC news is part of U.S. global propaganda lah…only fools will believe its fake news lah…while Patriot defence system only has 40% accuracy, how could Ukraine’s  defence force who are newbies managed to shoot down 3 Russia’s hypersonic missiles within 2 consecutive days?  In Hollywood movies perhaps lah. Rotfl
(19-05-2023, 11:54 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]Math is taught is to teach you not to be cheated by unscientific calls.

I repeat again, target path must be known and units must be triple
to have decent chance.

ai yeah

math is nothing if you do not know what is hardware electronics system
math is just a theory on paper

math alone does not bring things into reality
hardwares bring math into reality
The West is winning the media war, not the Ukraine war.
(20-05-2023, 01:48 AM) Alicia Wrote: [ -> ]The West is winning the media war, not the Ukraine war.

west generate fake news many ppl believe one

[Image: confronto-sbagliato.jpg]
Ukraine claimed to have intercepted 6 such supersonic missiles.  

Russia said it only used 2 such missiles.  

(20-05-2023, 07:16 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Ukraine claimed to have intercepted 6 such supersonic missiles.  

Russia said it only used 2 such missiles.  

The six are weather balloons  Big Grin
everyday people in Africa love Russia
and Russian flag
on the plandemic Russia reports
40% of world population by Y2100 will be in Africa
meaning we tioTENGed
such a high volume of movement
something must happen
when Pol Pot moved the Cambodians they became skeletons on Deplay-cabinets
(19-05-2023, 11:40 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]The success rate of Patriot defence system is only 10% in Ukraine war but the MSM talk like 90%. Rotfl

It using fragmentation explosives so accuracy should be better now compare to Iraq war 
but even american military enthusiast do not rate it that high.
(19-05-2023, 09:09 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG-1439.png]

As I said, Ukraine bs about intercepted 6 Russian supersonic missiles and Russia said it only fired 2 supersonic missiles.    

The truth is finally out.   

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl    Laughing Laughing Laughing  